Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11425
Titre: Création des instituts agropastoraux et dynamiques sociales en contexte local : cas de l’institut supérieur d’agriculture et de gestion d’Obala.
Auteur(s): Guilefem Zefack, Ariane Ph.
Directeur(s): Tedongmo Teko, Henri
Mots-clés: Dynamiques sociales
Institut agropastoral
Technique agricole
Date de publication: 2021
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: The research presented focuses on the creation of agro-pastoral institutes and social dynamics in the local context. The objective is to appreciate the influence of new agricultural practices taught at ISAGO on the social dynamics local populations of Obala. How to understand the local producers' resistance facing new farming practices valorized by ISAGO? Such is the question that guides this research. Based on a qualitative survey carried out with traditional authorities, from the staff of ISAGO (Director, DAAC, SAAF, responsible for agricultural practices …), from producers, sellers, and consumers of the locality. We identify and analyze the causes, and the manifestations of resistance from local populations face to the new agricultural practices valued by ISAGO, as well as the consequences for the producers, sellers, and consumers. The interest in such an approach that mobilizes embedding social theory and the theory of logical action is first, to analyze the functioning of ISAGO not like a business purely at the economic character but like an organization that can also integrate the social appearance of its functioning, and secondly to understand the choice of actors what rationalities that are behind each action. The results show that the resistance of local producers facing the new farming practices valorized by ISAGO is due to their attachment to ancient farming practices and types of crops to the detriment valued by ISAGO. In conclusion, because of the interaction that exists between the functioning of ISASO and local agro-pastoral development. The locality of Obala does not know an improvement of its agricultural techniques and this is visible in the yields of the agricultural productions of this locality which remain considerably low.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 207
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11425
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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