Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11426
Titre: Pédagogie des grands groupes et performances individuelles des apprenants en expression orale en classe de français : le cas de la classe de troisième du collège polyvalent Saint-Pierre de Mimboman.
Auteur(s): Simba Mongala, Yasmine
Directeur(s): Bikoi, Félix Nicodème
Banga Amvḗnḗ, Jean Désiré
Mots-clés: Pédagogie des grands groupes
Expression orale
Performances individuelles
Technique d’atelier
Méthodes actives
Date de publication: 24-jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This work examines the effect of the pedagogy of large groups on the individual performances in oral expression of learners in French class. The pedagogy of large groups is characterized on the one hand by the use of the workshop technique which fragments the plethoric class into sub-groups and on the other hand by the application of active methods which involve the learner in his own learning and reflects the appropriation of knowledge, which leads to improved performance of learners. The question is to know to what extent the workshop work and the individual involvement of the pupils in their learning are likely to improve the individual performance of the learners in oral expression in the French class. It is hypothesized that, on the one hand, the technique of work in the workshop participates in the mastery of large groups and disposes the students to work, on the other hand, the implementation of active methods, in particular the practice of the exercise, could facilitate the improvement of the individual performances in oral expression of the learners in French class. To verify our hypothesis, we tested the two techniques of the pedagogy of large groups on learning the presentation in 3rd grade. The communication situation retained was to give his opinion on a problem linked to socio-cultural life, the objective being that at the end of the lesson the learner is able to give his opinion by making use of introductory phrases. The research adopted an experimental approach with an experimental plan targeting 3rd grade students, divided into two large groups including one (01) control group of fifty (50) students and one (01) experimental group of the same workforce. The results obtained are as follows: 24 students in the control group out of 50 obtained an average greater than or equal to 10 in the pre-test, while the experimental group in the pre-test recorded 12 averages out of 50 students. At the post-test, all the averages recorded in the control group go from 24 to 30 pupils, i.e. an increase of 6, while the pupils of the experimental group go from 12 averages at the pre-test to 33 pupils having passed the milestone. of 10/20, an increase of 21, almost four times the progress observed in the control group. In conclusion, the experiment confirms the hypothesis, namely: The pedagogy of large groups, synonymous with the technique of workshop work and the use of active methods, promotes the consolidation of the individual performance of learners in oral expression within the framework of large groups.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 116
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11426
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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