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dc.contributor.advisorChaffi, Chaffi Cyrille Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorKuissu Wakeu, Mariette-
dc.description.abstractThis study This paper, entitled Strategic School Administration in Times of the Covid-19 Crisis and the Decline of Secondary Schools in the City of Yaounde, raises the question of the inadequate adaptation of secondary school management in times of the covid-19 crisis and the decline of secondary schools in the city of Yaoundé. It stems from the response strategy of the world's education systems to the coronavirus pandemic. On the basis of observations, the internship and the fieldwork, we defined the following main question: Is there a link between the school administration strategy during the covid-19 crisis and the decline in secondary schools in the city of Yaoundé? The objectives of this study were to examine the various key factors in the school administration strategy that ensured pedagogical continuity during the covid-19 crisis in secondary schools in the city of Yaoundé. Our hypothesis was reformulated as follows: there is a link between the school administration strategy during the covid-19 crisis and the decline of secondary schools in the city of Yaoundé. Our interpretation is based on two theories: the change management theory of Michel Arcand (2007) and the structural contingency theory of Burns and Stalker (1961). Using a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview guide, we collected data in the field from a sample of 71 teachers and 2 headteachers. The data were then analysed using SPSS software, and the responses to the open-ended questions were categorised and analysed for content. The results show that, there existe a significant link between the Strategic school administration in times of the covid 19 crisis and the decline of secondary schools in the city of Yaoundé. The results show that, in secondary schools, headteachers put more emphasis on ministerial methods without taking into account the adaptability of their structures, which made pedagogical continuity difficult in secondary schools in the city of Yaoundé. This study shows that crises increase the disparities already present in the system. In view of these difficulties, the study proposed to make recommendations on the operational level.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAdministration scolaire stratégiquefr_FR
dc.subjectFléchissement scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectCrise de Covid-19fr_FR
dc.subjectEnseignement secondairefr_FR
dc.subjectActivités pédagogiquefr_FR
dc.subjectPrise de décisionfr_FR
dc.titleAdministration scolaire stratégique en temps de crise de covid-19 et fléchissement des établissements d´enseignement secondaire de la ville de Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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