Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11431
Titre: La question des ressources minières et ses implications socio-économiques et environnementales dans l’Arrondissement de Laramanaye (Sud-Ouest du Tchad)
Auteur(s): Gamambaye Bekoutou, Robert
Directeur(s): Ndzié Souga, Clotaire
Mots-clés: Ressources minières
Implications socioéconomiques
Exploitation des ressources
Gestion des ressources
Entreprises exportatrices
Date de publication: 31-jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: At present, mining is expanding in all African countries that own the mines. In Chad, this reality is visible through the role played by companies in the implementation of research and extraction of mineral resources. The district of Laramanaye is one of the many regions of Chad plagued by mining. However, the fruits in terms of profitability and profit are still slow to be perceptible on the socio-economic levels and improvement of the living conditions of the populations and the sustainability of the assets of sustainable development. This work highlights the socio-economic and environmental impacts of mineral resource management in Laramanaye. It relies on both secondary source and primary source data. In this context, field observations and the various semi-direct surveys and interviews carried out with resource persons and direct and indirect actors in this activity have made it possible to draw significant observations. Overall, mining is booming in Chad‟s Laramanaye district. Here, its management still suffers from the lack of cohesion between the direct and indirect actors. The exploitation and management of the resources of this locality do not yet benefit the local population. At all levels, adverse effects on the environment are observed. However, there are texts governing the operation of such activities in Chad. Unfortunately, these tools remain ignored by some actors. The percussions on the environment and nature become catastrophic especially when their use is artisanal and poorly controlled. Despite its effects on the environment and the relative involvement of local populations, the management of mineral resources in Laramanaye continues to develop. It is a source of income for a large part of the actors consisting mainly of foreign companies. Moreover, the awareness-raising role that the state and organizations must play in raising awareness suffers from shortcomings.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 138
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11431
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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