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dc.contributor.advisorTague Kakeu, Alexis-
dc.contributor.authorNono Kemta, Lisette-
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on "Places of worship and monotheism among the ancient Egyptians (New Kingdom) and the Bahams (18th – 20th century)". It is a question in this work of reaffirming the monotheistic character of the religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians and the Baham of West Cameroon through places of worship. To do so, we used the qualitative method while adopting the comparative approach. Multidisciplinarity allowed us to gather information from various sources and documents. Thus the information used in this study comes from: Egyptian sources, oral sources and the work of predecessors who were interested in the question. The Egyptian sources consist of iconographic works and texts left by the ancient Egyptians. The oral sources consist of the testimonies of the holders of the knowledge encountered in the Baham kingdom. The exploitation and analysis of the information drawn from these sources and documents have enabled us to confirm the idea that the black African peoples since their Pharaonic Egyptian antiquity were in fact, monotheistic peoples. This monotheism is expressed through their religious practices and beliefs. This study also underlines the cultural unity that has always existed between black Africans south of the Sahara represented here by the Bahams and the ancient Egyptians.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectLieu de cultefr_FR
dc.subjectCroyances et pratiques religieusesfr_FR
dc.subjectAncienne Egyptefr_FR
dc.titleLieux de cultes et monothéisme chez les anciens Egyptiens du nouvel empire (1550-1070) et les Baham de l’Ouest-Cameroun (XVIII – XX Siècles)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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