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dc.contributor.advisorIgoui Mounang, Gilbert-
dc.contributor.authorLontsi Kiampi, Franklin-
dc.description.abstractThis research work answers to question of how does the traumatic experience induces difficulties in recovering the body ego in diabetic amputees? The research adopted a qualitative approach with an interview guide administered to diabetic amputees hospitalized at the National Center for the Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Paul Emile Léger in Etoug-Ebé, as a data collection instrument. These participants were obtained after defining the selection criteria. The results revealed that diabetic amputees themselves develop resources that allow them to overcome their trauma and rebuild a positive image and identity of themselves. Some develop mechanisms such as projective identification based on their social status and also benefit of follow up whith good a social support, lead by their family; while others rely on their culture, draw deep within them, identify with them, to this is added family support and the psychologist who plays the role of a malleable medium object. To effectively support these diabetic amputees in their process of reclaiming their sense of self, the psychologist must create a framework that allows for the patient’s needs, survival stratégies, and resources, and provide support while talking into account personal factors or personality, Contextual factors, social factors such as the patient’s social statuts, and especially work on the patient’s environment. This will enable them to face obstacles and promote increased confidence and will allow for the maximal development of their autonomy, and their psychological readjustement that will help them accept and reconcilie with their bodies. The added value of this topic lies in understanding the trauma expérienced by diabetic amputees, the emotional and social psychological repercussions of losing a limb, inclueding grieving, alteration in self image, diminished self-esteem, and adaptation issues. A better understanding of this aspect can lead to appropriate and efective care for these patients. Additionally, by identifying factors that facilitate the reconstruction of balance and the integration of the body and the psyche, it becomes possible to develop strategies for appropriate support and accompaniment for the individuals.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectVécu Traumatiquefr_FR
dc.subjectDiabétiques amputésfr_FR
dc.subjectCentre national de réhabilitation des personnes handicapées, Paul Emile Léger d’Etoug-Ebéfr_FR
dc.titleVécu traumatique des diabétiques amputés et reprise du moi-corps : une étude de casfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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