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dc.contributor.advisorEssomba Ebela, Solange Rachel Essomba Ebela-
dc.contributor.authorDjousse Kiampi, Christiane Laure-
dc.description.abstractThis research work answers the question of how the psycho-educational monitoring determines the academic performance of adolescents from separated parents of the Bilingual High School of Ekounou? The research adopted a qualitative approach with the data collection instrument being, an interview guide administered to students of the Bilingual High school of Ekounou and to guidance counselor on duty in this educational establishment located in the district of Yaoundé IV. These participants were obtained after defining the selection criteria. The results we obtained reveal that adolescents from separated parents, although being in a secondary school where guidance councelors are located, they are not monitored by them as part of the process of improving their academic performance. Some of these adolescents express a belief in their own ability to have control over the events that affect their lives; while others develop modeling learning through modeling. To this end, we can conclude that to effectively support in improving their academic performance, the guidance council must identify adolescents with specific needs and support them by taking into account personal and contextual factors to enable them to face obstacles and allow the increase of concentration, attention and many other symptoms which will allow the maximum development of their autonomy of these as well as their academic performance.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectSuivi psychoéducatiffr_FR
dc.subjectPerformances scolairesfr_FR
dc.subjectparents séparésfr_FR
dc.titleSuivi psycho-éducatif et performances scolaires des adolescents issus des parents séparés : cas du Lycée Bilingue d’Ekounoufr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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