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dc.contributor.advisorNzameyo, René Aristide Rodrigue-
dc.contributor.authorNdzana Onana, Jean-
dc.description.abstractThe positive impact of the CBA in the construction of the philosophical reflective spirit in the learners of the second class basically translates the urgency of the implementation of this approach in the different didactic practices of philosophy in all classes. In general and in particular in second grade. Indeed, this urgency is signaled by numerous international works. In Cameroon, the lack of research devoted to this question does not however alter the will of the State which has been materialized for more than a decade by the rewriting of school programs focused on the development of skills. However, some didactic practices of philosophy in second class seem not to have integrated this reform today. At this level, the raison d’être of our theme is justified. The latter focuses on: the implementation of the CBA in the didactic practices of philosophy in second class and construction of the philosophical reflexive spirit. In terms of issues, it translates into questions relating to the teaching of philosophy and the learning of philosophizing. It is specifically about the main question and the following three sub-questions: does the implementation of the work of the CBA in the didactic practices of philosophy in the second class favor the construction of the mind philosophical reflexive? How are the didactic practices of philosophy articulated in the second class? Why is the CBA not implemented in the didactic practices of philosophy in second class? How to implement the CBA in the didactic practices of philosophy in the second class? To answer these questions, we started from a field survey built around an observation grid of some didactic practices of philosophy in second class non-compliant with the CBA, a questionnaire of guided interview for teachers and an analysis grid of our didactic practice in accordance with the CBA. These three instruments of data collection allowed us to reach the results according to which, the CBA can support the construction of the philosophical reflexive spirit at the pupils of second and can beautiful and well implemented in the didactic practices of the philosophy.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectDidactic practices of philosophyfr_FR
dc.subjectPhilosophical reflective mindfr_FR
dc.titleMise en œuvre de l’apc dans l’enseignement- apprentissage de la philosophie en classe de seconde et construction de l’esprit réflexiffr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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