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dc.contributor.advisorBanindjel, Joachen-
dc.contributor.authorNoale, Boris Lebon-
dc.description.abstractCapacité de résilience Personnalité Schizophrénie Comorbidité schizophrénique Mentalisation ZOPHRENES This study deals with resilience capacity in schizophrenics. The management of schizophrenia in a psychiatric environment is often made effective through techniques that are revealed from the environment. But often, the problem arises of the responsibility of the subject himself in relation to his disorder. It is for this reason that this study raises the problem of the management of the comorbidities of these schrizophrenics. It therefore sets itself the objective of analyzing how the capacity for resilience promotes the management of comorbidities to schizophrenics. To achieve this, the general hypothesis was formulated as follows : « the resilience capacity of schizophrenics favors the management of their comorbidities. ». From the operationalization of this hypothesis, three specific hypotheses were formulated. The study is based on a comprehensive paradigm with a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews carried out on a sample of two subjects. The analysis of the contents of the empirical data was done on a thematic orientation. It follows that the schizophrenic has the ability to mobilize certain skills that are identified in the guardians of resilience allowing him to overcome the disorders that are added to his schizophrenia. We come to the evidence that the functional personality in schizophrenics wants to be creative and autonomous adapting to difficult and complex situations, in doing so it is obliged to promote the management of comorbidities related to schizophrenia. This type of personality easily comes into contact with different experiences while being free and confident in their body. When the schizophrenic manages to forge good representations, to regulate his affects and to take into account his thoughts and those of others, and by extension develop a good mentalization, this one allows him to overcome the obstacles that present themselves in front of him.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectCapacité de résiliencefr_FR
dc.subjectComorbidité schizophréniquefr_FR
dc.titleRésilience et comorbidités chez les schizophrènes : étude de casfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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