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dc.contributor.advisorBanga Amvene, Jean Désiré-
dc.contributor.authorSouotoumdougnigni, Abdoulaye Moustapha Mouhamed-
dc.description.abstractThe primary role of education is to train citizens capable of contributing to the economic, social and political development of their community. Therefore, the present study leads us to ask ourselves the following question: What is the influence of the quality of general secondary school education on the professional integration of learners at the CHUO bilingual College? As an early answer to our research question, we put forward the following general hypothesis: the quality of general secondary education influences the professional integration of learners in Cameroon. The operationalization of the general hypothesis has generated two specific research hypotheses, namely: The qualification of teachers influences the professional integration of learners of CHUO bilingual College.The teaching programs influence the professional integration of the learners of the CHUO bilingual College. We have set ourselves the general objective of understanding how the quality of general secondary education can influence the professional integration of learners at the CHUO bilingual College. This work is part of Beker’s human capital theory and link the quality of secondary education and the professional integration of learners in order to assess the constraints related to human and pedagogical resources that influence the professional integration of learners. The theory of human capital has evolved a lot to adapt to the mutations of socio- political, educational, organizational, managerial and economic concepts. To carry out this work, we conducted our study at the CHUO bilingual College with sample of twelve (12) people, including two (02) administrators, three (03) teachers, and seven (07) students. An analysis was made on the basis of an exploratory research. This work, through the analysis of semi-directive interviews of teachers, teaching programs influence the professional integration of learner. Moreover, it allowed us to identify the various evils to be eradicated in order to improve the quality of general education in order to improve the quality of general secondary education in order to facilitate learners at the end of their school course a better professional integration. From above, some suggestions have been made to the Cameroonian government and the CHUO bilingual College in particular.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectTeacher qualificationfr_FR
dc.subjectProfessional integrationfr_FR
dc.subjectTeaching programfr_FR
dc.subjectGeneral secondary educationfr_FR
dc.titleQualité de l’enseignement secondaire général et insertion professionnelle des apprenants au Cameroun : le cas du collège bilingue polyvalent chuofr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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