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dc.contributor.advisorAtyame, Philomène-
dc.contributor.authorOlomo, Céline Natacha-
dc.description.abstractThis research aimed at analyzing the causal relationship between the associated uses to teaching methods highlighting techno-pedagogy and improving the Individual and collective written performance of pupils in the Orion sub-cycle in German. Indeed, to the extent that knowledge is remedified, taken out of context or subject to procedures, learning may result in a real reliance on re-law domain and thus to a very summary understanding of the process involved. However, the Relaxing knowledge, is not in itself, the guaranteed effective and transferable learning. In practice and using ICTs, students can negotiate. Meanings and these are the source of the energy required to learn. Because to the extent that education in education generates practices, they will tend to contain their own skill regime as well as their own encounters between students. The research has adopted an experimental approach with a control plan control group - experimental group and targeting students in the fourth class divided into three experimental groups of 30. For what is the collection of quantitative data, the study has optimated for a test of school knowledge tests with anchoring in the new German teaching programs in the sub-cycle orientation student of the 4th class The main results obtained from an analysis of the variance and Student T are the following HR1: Student test: T = 9,056 with a probability of 0.000 < 0.05; Anova F = 60,510 test with a probability of 0.000 < 0.005. About the qualitative component, a qualitative collection was also made to a sample of four (04) teachers. These results make it possible to conclude that integration pedagogical ICT in the learning / learning of German would be an asset, a Booster of school performances and a real medium of learning. Rely on a program institutional without approaching the problem of practice bears the risk of servicing of individuals who already have an identity of participation with the same content in others contexts.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectExpression écritefr_FR
dc.titleIntégration de la techno-pédagogie en classe d'allemand et amélioration des performances en expression écrite chez les apprenants du sous cycle d'orientation.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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