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dc.contributor.advisorIgoui Mounang, Gilbert-
dc.contributor.authorTchangdoum, Alphonse-
dc.description.abstractThis work focuses on post-traumatic stress disorder among soldiers returning from the fight against Boko Haram. The problem of this study is that of monitoring soldiers returning from the fight against terrorism B.H. its aim is to study the contribution of the soldiers who have been interned and who have been admitted to the military hospital in Yaoundé. But when they were released a few months later, there are a few kinds of socially maladjusted behaviors that manifest themselves. In reality, they reflected another facet of their reality of exposure to the traumatic event. This observation suggested to us the reflection that our soldiers suffer from PTSD despite their care, maintenance and EMESPT (PCLS) will allow us to further assess and diagnose disorders in soldiers returning from the fight against B.H. hence our research question Do soldiers returning from the fight against B.H. show PTSD after their so-called successful treatment? To answer our question, we formulated the following hypothesis: soldiers returning from the fight against B.H manifest PTSD after the so-called successful treatment. Our population is that of soldiers returning from the fight against BH in general, soldiers often have to deal with theatres of war where death, disease and destruction prove to be Ubiquitous. Exposure to such traumatic events can lead to significant psychological sequel, now recognized by political and military authorities as post-operational stress injuries and scientifically recognized as post-operational stress disorder (PTSD), terrorism (the Islamic sect B.H.). In Cameroon, many of the soldiers died as a result of the war against B.H. Families are traumatized, this develops PTSD in families, soldiers. In military hospitals, we find soldiers who suffer from having lost a party member by a bullet which has caused behavioral disorders (avoidance, reliving of hyper-vigilance, etc.). That we are trying to understand the connection that exists between soldiers' behavioural problems and the reliving of the traumatic event, determine the link between PTSD and avoidance behaviour and determine the link between traumatic memories and hyper-vigilance behaviour in soldiers For analysis and data collection, we used the clinical method. We collected the subjects' speeches from two interview instruments and the PTSD (PCLS) among soldiers who participated in the combat against B.H. and with the DSM-V diagnostic criteria, using a content analysis grid, in order to bring out for each of them, the latent content and then the psychological diagnosis that emerged. Finally, we made a comparison of these to test our hypothesis. Freudian theory, phenomenological, perceived threat, behaviorists, cognitiveists, will explain to us in order to understand the link between PTSD and behavioural disorders and that exposure to traumatic events has an impact on behaviours. In conclusion, all of this work highlights the various dimensions of behavioural disorders and diagnostic criteria in soldiers with PTSD, while identifying avenues for intervention to better help this population.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectStress post-traumatiquefr_FR
dc.subjectTroubles du comportementfr_FR
dc.titleEtat de stress post-traumatique et troubles du comportement : cas des militaires revenant de la lutte contre Boko-Haram.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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