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dc.contributor.advisorNdjonmbog, Joseph Roger-
dc.contributor.authorAngo Bile, Gaetan Anthony-
dc.description.abstractThe management of vocational training has been the responsibility of the municipalities since the law on the General Code of Decentralized Territorial Communities. As a result, this research entitled partnership dynamics and quality of vocational training in the Municipality of Sangmélima raises the problem of the inadequacy of the public provision of initial vocational training within this municipality. The general objective of this research is to propose to the Decentralized Territorial Collectivities ways of revitalizing the public-private partnership with the local organizations in order to improve their public systems of offer of initial vocational training, particularly the Municipality of Sangmélima. This study thus seeks to know how to improve the public provision of initial vocational training in the said municipality. Specifically, it is a question of knowing how a Decentralized Territorial Collectivity can qualitatively and quantitatively strengthen its public provision of initial vocational training. To achieve this, from the interpretative epistemological paradigm, we conduct an exploratory study and adopt a qualitative approach correlated with an inductive approach, equipping the interview guide to prospect the leaders of the Municipality of Sangmélima. The main conclusion to which we reach states that the public-private partnership does not contribute to the improvement of the public provision of initial vocational training in the said municipality, one of the visible consequences of which is the low attractiveness existing vocational training centers under MINEFOP, namely the SAR/SM and the Center for Professional Training of Excellence (CFPE). To improve this system, the downward revision of the cost of training at the CFPE, the transformation of the two SAR/SM into Centers of Training in Trades (CFM), the construction of an institutionalized and formalized partnership framework with local professional circles , the integration of the public-private partnership as a priority axis in the policies devoted to educational development constitute measures to be taken by the Municipality of Sangmelima to devote the advent of the public-private partnership to the benefit of the vocational training system within the common. Because for a CTD, the public-private partnership is a lever that makes it possible to increase the quality and quantity of the initial vocational training offer, when it is effectively implemented locally.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPartenariat public-privéfr_FR
dc.subjectPartenariat localfr_FR
dc.subjectFormation professionnelle initialefr_FR
dc.titleDynamique partenariale et qualité de la formation professionnelle dans la commune de Sangmélima.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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