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dc.contributor.advisorTchokote, Emilie Clarisse-
dc.contributor.authorRamadji Mbaïndoroum, Keren-
dc.description.abstractThis study is entitled “Subjective experience of parental conflicts and consumption of psychoactive substances in adolescents in N’Djamena”. It has been observed that in our surroundings some adolescents living in families marked by parental conflicts showed consumption of psychoactive substances. According to Marcelli & Braconnier (2013), the family environment plays an important role in the development of the adolescent. This environment provides the external socio-cultural functions and the internal functions specific to the psyche of the individual (parental image and type of object relationship) then, it structures and organizes the development of the adolescent. The objective of the study is to understand how the subjective experience of parental conflicts contributes to the establishment of the consumption of psychoactive substances in adolescents. Taking into account the literature on the consumption of psychoactive substances in adolescents, we note with Sadlier (2010) that children exposed to conjugal violence present a higher risk of affective disorders and behaviors such as withdrawal, withdrawal from social interactions, separation anxiety, acts of aggression towards self and others. Also, Brunelle & al (2002) specify that the way in which young people experience, interpret and perceive parental conflicts, and also the feelings they provoke in them and to which they react lead young people to use drugs. The research question is: How does the subjective experience of parental conflict contribute to the consumption of psychoactive substances among adolescents in N'Djamena? From this question arises the following hypothesis: the subjective experience of parental conflicts contributes to the consumption of psychoactive substances in adolescents through the discomfort generated within the family. Following the clinical method, the use of semi-structured interviews, the Fagerström test and the AUDIT made it possible to collect data from the adolescents met at the Dakouna Center in N'Djamena. The thematic analysis of the verbatims, the Fagerström test and the AUDIT reveal that the painful emotional experience and feeling in the face of parental conflicts are perceptible in all three subjects. The representation and the meaning granted to parental conflicts are perceptible in Junior and Frédo, but not perceptible in Bobo. Frédo and Bobo present cigarette consumption without dependence, but Junior presents a weak dependence. There is a probable dependence on the latter. Frédo presents a low-risk alcohol consumption and Bobo, a risk alcohol consumption. The substance use of the three subjects was motivated by peers, the desire to forget worries and soothe their feelings of discomfort in the face of parental conflict. In Junior, it is also linked to social learning and accusationsfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectExpérience subjectivefr_FR
dc.subjectConflits parentauxfr_FR
dc.subjectSubstances psychoactivesfr_FR
dc.titleExpérience subjective des conflits parentaux et consommation de substances psychoactives chez l’adolescent à N’djamenafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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