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dc.contributor.advisorTague Kakeu, Alexis-
dc.contributor.authorEkanga Nguele, Yves-
dc.description.abstractSince 1913, the urbanization process of the Upper-Nyong Division initiated by the Germans has been spread all over some localities of the region. Therefore, new social groups, namely the urban and the rural, were formed as a result of such a phenomenon. The purpose of our study entitled: “Urban and rural relationships and their impact on the development of the Eastern Cameroon from 1913 to 2004: case of Upper-Nyong Division” is to tackle the state of the aforementioned relationships laying emphasis on their early stage of initiation till the early 20th century. Hence, can these urban and rural correlations be said to successfully fulfill the expectations of the UpperNyong Division’s populations? In order to solve such interrogations, this study shall rely both on the application of the convenient history research methods, as well as cross-disciplinary use of data collection which includes oral and written sources as evidence of events factuality. By means of a bimodal diachronic and synchronic approach of the collected data, we came across with the fact that misunderstanding, interdependence as well as complementarity characterizing the populations of the Upper-Nyong Division originate in the conflict between traditional and modern perspectives of the development of that locality.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleRelations citadins-ruraux et leurs incidences sur le développement à l’Est-Cameroun de 2013 à 2004 : cas du Département du Haut-Nyongfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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