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dc.contributor.advisorNoumbissie, Claude Désiré-
dc.contributor.authorAllah-Rassem Honemadji, Constantin-
dc.description.abstractThe issue of maternal health spares no country. Thus, in Chad as in many developing countries, there are cases of women victims of obstetric fistula who most often come from rural areas. The causes of this phenomenon are numerous and have become obvious to all players. The accumulation of certain socio-economic factors such as the dislocation of family ties, ignorance, early marriage, literacy, the inadequacy of the health system, are among the causes that have contributed to the significant development of this scourge. What poses a problem for us then is to verify whether the intervention strategies can allow a psychosocial integration of women victims of obstetric fistula of the CNTF of N'Djamena. The interview was for this purpose, administered to a sample of eight (08) participants. The data obtained was analyzed using content analysis. This allowed us, after counting, to verify the relevance of our hypotheses and also to establish a correspondence between the hypotheses and the results obtained, correspondence supported by various theories exposed in the theoretical insertion chapter. The results show that an intervention strategy by providing psycho-affective and material support within the community can facilitate the psychosocial integration of women victims of obstetric fistula. Indeed, the course of life presents many factors that can favor the failure of social integration. The latter would itself be explained by socio-emotional problems and low income. The glaring social inequalities are symptomatic of the government's lack of social policy. We can also associate with it, the possible modifications at the social level and the family rejection; contribute to the isolation of the women victims of the fistula implying a greater difficulty of the integration with a less good recovery vis-a-vis the intercurrent events.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectIntervention strategyfr_FR
dc.subjectSocial psychologyfr_FR
dc.subjectObstetric fistulafr_FR
dc.titleStratégies d’interventions et inclusion psychosociale des femmes victimes de fistules obstétricales du centre national de traitement de fistule de N’Djamenafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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