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dc.contributor.advisorNna Ntimban, Albert-
dc.contributor.authorDjimtemadji Djasnabaye-
dc.description.abstractThis research work is titled « Community device and support for malnourished children in the disadvantaged environment in Cameroon (a study conducted at the Block District Medical Center in the Gaoura region) ». The observation of malnourished children in an unpleasant situation suggests difficulties in accessing, depending on the situations. The economic theories are based on the tender and demand model that in a direction of the financial capacity of the state, the private sector of the household sector, to be purchased and supplies the market and households in food or nutritional and, on the other hand, the possibility of these products on the market as well as their price. Unfortunately, these theories focused exclusively on food aspects and not on nutritional criteria. Two theories mainly reflect this current to think. In taking into account the literature on the situation on children victims of malnutrition, we note that several actors have been interested in their support, but many offers remain to be made in favor of Cameroonian government and its social partners. That is why it has been necessary to focus on the contribution of the community system in the care of child victims of malnutrition in the Garoua region. We asked how the community and community- based community is supported for health? Thus, our general hypothesis stipulated: the community device has in impact on the care on the malnourished children through the economic factor, social factor and environmental factor. The objective was to understand the link between community device and support for malnourished children in the Garoua region. The achievement of this objective was made possible by the method of observation from semi-guidelines with 8 malnourished children who are victims of a social situation in the Boldle Bordrond Merketic Center. The results of our survey show that the community and support for contribute to improving the situations of the malnourished children in the Garoua/Bockle region. From these results, a perspective makes it possible to generate the idea that it would be important to prepare the subject to the care of the malnourished children; this could lead to a sense of pride in social experience therefore a community sent.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectCommunity devicefr_FR
dc.titleDispositif communautaire et prise en charge des enfants malnutris dans les milieux défavorises au Cameroun (une étude menée au centre médical d’arrondissement de bockle dans la région de Garoua).fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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