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dc.contributor.advisorNdjebakal Souck, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorNtimena Amougou, Boniface Serge-
dc.description.abstractThe digitization seems unavoidable today in all sectors of activity. Studying the possibilities of considering its pedagogical use in the development of the professional competence of the student-teachers of the GTTTC of Soa raises the problem of an under-use of digital educational technologies in the classroom. The main objective of this study is to propose a curricular model of digitalization training. To achieve this, we established a main hypothesis which, in turn, was operationalized into three specific hypotheses. The theories of socio constructivism, constructivism, connectivism, McLuhan's communication were used to support and explain the methodological and analytical orientations of the present research and each theory corresponds respectively to each hypothesis. This research was carried out at the GTTTC of Soa. Our survey population was constituted by a convenience non-probability sampling technique. As the approach is quantitative, data collection took place through a questionnaire addressed to 266 student-teachers. Using SPSS software, correlation and regression analysis confirmed the pedagogical use of digital educational resources in face-to-face (ß =.198; p=.001), the professional use of online learning platforms (ß =.273; p=.000) and the digital interaction (ß=.133; p=.012) on the development of professional competence of student teachers. The results obtained validate the main research hypothesis and from these results, a curricular model of digitalization training in a systemic perspective was proposed at the end of the study to support student-teachers.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectProfessional competencefr_FR
dc.subjectPedagogical usefr_FR
dc.titleDigitalisation de l’enseignement et développement des compétences professionnelles des élèves- enseignants de l’enseignement normal technique au Cameroun : cas de l’e.n.i.e.t de soafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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