Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11508
Titre: Spécifités des actants et réintégration familiale des enfants de la rue : une étude exploratoire au Centre Dakouna Espoir de N’Djamena au Tchad.
Auteur(s): Leva Oumarou, Kassamba
Directeur(s): Dong, Thierry
Mots-clés: Spécificités
Réintégration familiale
Enfant de la rue
Centre d’accueil Dakouna Espoir
Date de publication: jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: Entitled, specifities of the actors and family reintegration of street children: an exploraty study at the Dakouna Esperance Center in N'Djamena in Chad, this study attempted to understand the specific bills of the actants which determine the family reintegration of street children at the center Dakouna Hope. This study raises the problem of the success of a psychosocial reintegration program for street children when it takes place in a context where, at first sight, there is a lack of psychosocial support. Hence the following research question: What explains the success of the family reintegration program for street children at the Dakouna Hope Center when there is a lack of qualified personnel? To answer this question, the following general hypothesis was formulated: The success of the family reintegration program for street children at the Dakouna Hope reception Center depends on the particularities of the promoter's situation at the same time as it depends on the particularities of the street children's needs. From this general hypothesis, two research hypotheses were formulated. HR1: The success of the family reintegration program for street children at the Dakouna Hope reception Center depends on the particularities of the promoter's situation. HR2: The success of the family reintegration program for street children at the Dakouna Hope reception Center depends on the specific needs of street children. This research is a unique case study: the Dakouna Hope reception Center. It is based on a comprehensive paradigm and adopts a qualitative approach. Using a semi-directive interview guide, data was collected from three participants from this Center. The results show that considering the needs of street children, capitalizing on the promoter's experience as a former street child and using dance as a means of enhancing the children's self-esteem, has led to the success of the family reintegration program for street children at the Dakouna Hope reception Centre in N'Djamena. Although the Center suffers from the absence of a psychosocial support professional on its staff, it is fact that these two types of specificity are considered that explains the success of its family reintegration program for street children.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 126
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11508
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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