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dc.contributor.advisorElla Ella, Samuel-Béni-
dc.contributor.authorMbida Manga, Luc Sylvain-
dc.description.abstractThe higher education system in Cameroon is relayed in the city of Yaoundé by private institutions of higher education (IPES) that train young Cameroonians, through the transfer of professional skills. However, the observation made in the city of Yaoundé is that the unemployment rate of young Cameroonian students trained in the IPES is still very worrying, to the point that the starting question of this research work is as follows : "the low contribution of the IPES of the city of Yaoundé to the employment of young higher education graduates can be explained both by the factors specific to IPES and by the exogenous constraints to these IPES, despite their contribution to the professionalization of the Cameroonian higher education system". In the light of this observation made in the Cameroonian political capital, the overall objective of this research is to understand this low contribution of IPES in the employability of young higher education graduates, in the city of Yaoundé. To this end, the research methodology was first based on two theoretical models, namely: The structural-functionalism of Talcott PARSONS which made it possible to identify on the one hand, the institutional actors and on the other hand to determine the assets of IPES in the Cameroonian higher education system and, the dynamist theory of Georges-Léon BALANDIER who helped to flush out the dynamics that fuel the low contribution of IPES in the employment of young Cameroonian students. Then, the research methodology was based on qualitative research through two data collection techniques, namely: desk research and field survey. With this in mind, the author initially used 85 documents and in a second step, carried out the field survey through direct observation, 17 semi-structured interviews with institutional actors and IPES promoters of the city of Yaoundé. Ultimately, all collected data was processed by content analysis. At the end of the analysis of the data collected, the research led to two main results. The first result of the research identifies three main types of assets, namely: the advantages related to professionalization, the assets related to quality assurance and the assets related to digitalization. Thus, it appears that: First of all, the proportions of assets related to professionalization are majority of 56% and report that, in the context of professional training, the professionalization of teaching occupies a primordial place in the policy of the new university governance in Cameroon, as prescribed by His Excellency Paul BIYA, Head of State. Then, the assets related to quality assurance (34%) are linked to the quality of training, the acquisition of knowledge and the diversity of the training offer gives a reading in the choice of training courses under the control of MINESUP which ensures the supervision and approval of validated programs applied in the authorized IPES. Finally, the advantages of digitalisation are in the minority overall. The second result of the research reveals that endogenous factors (with 63.3% of occurrences) Result in recruitment mechanisms in companies are not rational and the low salary offered.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectGouvernance universitairefr_FR
dc.subjectInsertion professionnellefr_FR
dc.titleLa contribution des institutions privées d’enseignement supérieur (IPES) à la nouvelle gouvernance universitaire au Cameroun : enjeux, défis et contraintes. Le cas de la ville de Yaoundé.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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