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dc.contributor.advisorMulnet, Didier-
dc.contributor.authorMetagne, Christelle-
dc.description.abstractThis Master's thesis on education for the promotion of renewable energies as a solution to the energy deficit, highlights the growth of the population with the ever-increasing demand for energy. This situation imposes the need to multiply production alternatives as well as a change in behavior in terms of energy consumption. Due to this demand, which is increasing a little more every day, the problem of electricity arises in terms of availability and accessibility. Cameroon, having participated in several international meetings on sustainable development and people's access to energy, is committed in accordance with SDG7, namely to guarantee access for all to reliable, sustainable and modern energy services, to a affordable cost. Despite all these efforts, our country suffers from a real problem of energy demand coverage. Indeed, with the advent of the sustainable development movement, emphasis must be placed on the popularization of renewable energies, on the means to be used to encourage the use of its energies by the populations and to produce renewable energies at the local scale. The main objective here is to lift the veil on renewable energies in order to encourage its use by the populations of the Simbock district. The problem is therefore the under-information of the populations of Simbock of the existence of renewable energies as a palliative to the energy deficit. In this context, education plays an important role in this process, by informing and improving understanding of the benefits and challenges of energy efficiency and renewable energy. To answer this problem, an experiment including the distribution of questionnaires and the administration of an interview guide was carried out. The participants were divided into two groups, namely the households and the local authorities of the Simbock district. The answers collected show that the populations are not sufficiently informed of the existence of renewable energies. These results indicate that it is necessary to educate and sensitize the populations in order to allow everyone to exercise their responsibility to overcome the energy deficit. From these conclusions, it turned out that education is the key element to change the behavior of populations in order to make each consumer more responsible for the use of the energy received and to arouse their implications in the use renewable energies. This initiative inevitably involves a communication plan to encourage people to adhere to the adoption of eco-gestures.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEnergies renouvelablesfr_FR
dc.subjectDéficit énergétiquefr_FR
dc.titleL’éducation au service de la promotion des énergies renouvelables comme une solution au déficit énergétique à Simbock-Yaounde.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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