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dc.contributor.advisorTsala Tsala, Jacques Philippe-
dc.contributor.authorNka Edoa, Marc Eric-
dc.description.abstractThis study focuses on communal action in education and the inclusion in school of children with sensorimotor disabilities. It analyses the communal system and actions in the field of education and assesses those that could contribute to the inclusion of vulnerable children in public nursery and primary schools in the Commune of Mfou. The communal actions are in line with the transfer of competences from the State to the CTD in the management of schools which, in the light of decentralisation and the increase in demand for education from vulnerable people, contribute to the inclusion of this social category in schools so that they can enjoy their rights. The presentation of the theoretical and conceptual framework of the study and the literature review provided the guiding thread for our approach, and enabled us to identify the strategies of the Commune's education policy. The operationalisation of communal actions made it possible to identify three essential dimensions that intrinsically affect the education of vulnerable children, and specifically children with sensorimotor disabilities. The influence of these variables on pupils' learning activities proved to be significant. Theories relating to the action-oriented policy of communes, with an emphasis on the inclusion of vulnerable children in school, in relation to the effects it produces on pupils' learning, were invoked to explain the link between communal actions and the inclusion of children with sensorimotor disabilities in public nursery and primary schools in the Commune of Mfou. An interview guide was used to collect data from certain directors of public nursery and primary schools in the Commune of Mfou. At the end of the survey in the schools selected in accordance with the sample, the content of the data was analysed with the aim of verifying the various hypotheses of the study; this was done through the content analysis of the data collected, which was thus able to demonstrate specifically that, as things stand at present, the action-based education policy of the communes contributes to the school inclusion of vulnerable children; this is because of their contribution to the learning of these children.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAction communalefr_FR
dc.subjectInclusion scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectEnfants vulnérablesfr_FR
dc.subjectHandicapés sensorimoteursfr_FR
dc.titleL’action communale en éducation et inclusion scolaire des enfants vivant avec un handicap sensorimoteur : cas des écoles maternelles et primaires publiques de la commune d’arrondissement de Mfou.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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