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dc.contributor.advisorBanindjel, Joachen-
dc.contributor.authorMballa, Odette Jeannine-
dc.description.abstractThis work entitled “representation of object loss and self-regulation strategies in orphans” falls within the field of special education, specifically in social handicap. Starting from the observation that the loss of parents is a difficult stage for orphans to live through, after the death of the orphans, they see their world collapse and very often experience difficulties in mourning, overcoming it and to move forward. Thus, to transcend this difficult stage of their lives, it is important for them first of all to accept the loss, then to adapt to their new living conditions, and finally to put in place the different strategies that will allow them to regulate themselves in order to move forward in their lives, hence the lack of self-regulation that they present. Therefore, the objective of our study is to understand how the representation of object loss facilitates self-regulation strategies in orphans? The answer to this question gave rise to the following hypothesis: children in a situation of object loss manage to self-regulate by developing self-regulation strategies. As a framework for reading the problem posed, we used the theoretical approach of Carver and Scheier (1998) which focuses on self-regulation and that of bereavement developed by Hanus and Bacqué. Therefore, the operationalization of our research question gave rise to three secondary hypotheses. To test our research on the methodological level, we used the qualitative approach which aims to study the phenomenon in depth. It consisted in selecting a sample of four subjects fulfilling the previously fixed inclusion criteria. These subjects were chosen from the Bon Berger orphanage in Nkoabang, which was our study site. Data collection was done with our participants using an interview guide, during the interviews. Our findings reveal that in order to overcome the loss of their parents and move on, orphaned children must develop self-regulation strategies that will allow them to achieve their goals and succeed in their lives. . Among these we have: self-discipline, introspection, rigor, setting of objectives to be achieved, the judicious choice of associates, concentration in their studies, hard work and the sense of responsibility developed by these, determination, motivation... . From these results flow suggestions that go to the place of specialized educators on the intellectual, social and behavioral levels.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectReprésentation de la perte d’objetfr_FR
dc.subjectStratégies d’auto régulationfr_FR
dc.titleReprésentation de la perte d’objet et stratégies d’autorégulation chez les orphelins le bon berger de Nkoabang.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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