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dc.contributor.advisorNjengoue Ngamaleu, Henri Rodrigue-
dc.contributor.authorNguemo, Isabelle Nadine-
dc.description.abstractLiteracy centers are centers opened to people who have not had the means to go to school, those who have lived on the streets and those wishing to deepen or acquire skills in a specific area. They are headed by heads of centers who have previously acquired literacy training. Classes are generally held in the evening from 3 p.m. There are several categories of literacy among which we can cite literacy as isolated competence, functional literacy, literacy as a tool for empowerment, literacy as a social practice, awareness-raising literacy, etc. Literacy centers are implemented in Cameroon by private individuals through partnerships with the state, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, municipalities... Since decentralization is crucial in our country, it is through the delegation of power that several public projects are implemented. The major challenge in this context for our study is the implementation of literacy centers in Yaoundé in a context of decentralization. Our objective is to evaluate strategies of the centers in a context of decentralization, to help as a designer-evaluator the promoters of Literacy centers to explore defeat of implementing their structure in a sustainable way in the targeted district with the assistance from partners and decentralized local authorities. For our study, the qualitative method was chosen because it allows us to understand and explore the implementation of Literacy centers. Precisely the content analysis which is the most widespread method. The literature review offers some studies that have been done on adult literacy. The particularity of our study lies in the fact that it focuses on the challenges to be met on a daily basis by promoters and supervisors for effective training of illiterate adults in Yaoundé. We worked with a sample of 14 (fourteen) participants selected in all the districts of Yaoundé whose major concerns affected all the CTD of Yaoundé and to have a certain idea of each zone. In relation to its purpose and mission, which is to train and retrain young people and adults aged 15 and over, they accomplish their tasks despite the difficulties encountered on a daily basis. The characteristic elements of the Literacy centers being ICT, classical literacy, vocational training as identified in the Minedub texts are respected. Their main implementation strategy is based on raising awareness. Decentralized local authorities like the town hall do not intervene and most promoters do not receive aidfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectMise en œuvrefr_FR
dc.titleLes défis de la mise en œuvre des centres d’alphabétisation fonctionnelle de Yaoundéfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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