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dc.contributor.advisorNguimfack, Léonard-
dc.contributor.authorDjieufack, Martine-
dc.description.abstractThis work focuses on educational support and the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II. It is based on the fact that the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among internally displaced children attending school requires educational support. Guérin (2009) thinks that educational support is a complementary offer outside school time, a device that can be beneficial to students experiencing difficulties, especially when they do not benefit from favorable study conditions at home. There is therefore a mismatch between educational support and the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II because Vygotsky thinks that the learner who benefits from tutoring should therefore make up for his deficits. The objective of this research is to study the link between educational support and the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II. Hence our research question, which is as follows: Is there a link between educational support and the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II? HR1. There is a link between homework help provided by a tutor and the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II. HR2. There is a link between the proximal zone of development of children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II and their ability to compensate for reading difficulties. HR3. There is a link between language proficiency and the ability to compensate for reading difficulties among children internally displaced by the Boko-Haram war attending school in Yaoundé II. To test these research hypotheses, we conducted field research using questionnaires addressed to students and teachers in Yaoundé II public primary schools as a data collection instrument. For this purpose, the questionnaire was administered to a sample of two hundred and twenty-four.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectAccompagnement éducatiffr_FR
dc.subjectDifficultés en lecturefr_FR
dc.subjectEnfants déplacés internesfr_FR
dc.titleAccompagnement éducatif et capacités de compensation des difficultés en lecture chez les enfants déplacés internes de la guerre de Boko-Haram scolarisés à Yaoundé IIfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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