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dc.contributor.advisorManga, André Marie-
dc.contributor.authorNdjebayi, Annette Nancy-
dc.description.abstractAttention plays an important role in the learner’s learning process. It is a fundamental requirement in any teaching/learning process as it enables students to be focused during lessons, concentration that facilitates memorization of lessons which is a necessary factor for meaningful learning and success in exams. Attention is involved in all intellectual acts and constitutes a foundation in most schools activities both for the memorization of information, the understanding of a test and obtaining a satisfactory performance or to acquire new skills. However, nowadays we note that many learners have problem with attention, hard work and discipline which considerably impact their school results the learners of “Lycée mixte d’Awae” are not spared unfortunately. In the present case, it has been demonstrated through questionnaires and exchanges between teachers and students that ICTs are innovative and fascinating tools that can solve these shortcomings because they facilitate the teaching and learning process. In addition, this work has enabled us to list the software platforms and networks that can be used in education, and especially in foreign language lessons in order to develop four abilities write, speak, read and listen .This is also the time to show that those technologies have not only positive aspects but also negative aspects.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectICTs School performancefr_FR
dc.titleIntegración de las tics en la enseñanza secundaria como factor de mejora de atención y rendimiento escolar de alumnos: caso del instituto mixto de awaefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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