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dc.contributor.advisorIgoui Mounang, Gilbert-
dc.contributor.authorNoubasra, Simeon-
dc.description.abstractThe theme of this research is "analysis of psycho-affective factors in the development of violence in schools: the case of the amriguebé girls' high school in the town of N’djamena in Chad". The aim of this work is to study the influence of psycho-affective factors on the development of violent behaviour and to identify the various factors that may or may not influence school violence. For this reason, we have therefore based our thinking on the problem that the absence of parental education, social education or education from the school institution at an emotional level can lead to violent behaviour in children. Thus, the problem that arises in this study is: the lack of socio-educational support for parents. This problem gave rise to the following research question: Do the psycho-affective factors of the learner determine the development of violence in the school environment in the city of N’djamena? To identify this problem, a general hypothesis was put forward: psycho-affective factors are the causes of the development of violence in schools. Next, we then identified three specific hypotheses: Specific hypotheses 1: The educational deficit of the parental environment is a factor that triggers the development of violence in schools. Specific hypotheses 2: The educational deficit in the social environment is a trigger for the development of violence in schools. Specific hypotheses 3: The educational deficit of the school institution leads to the development of violence in the school environment. We chose the qualitative method and used an interview guide to collect data. We interviewed ten (10) pupils and a school administrator. Two of our hypotheses are validated and one is invalidated which leads us to believe that psych affective factors are the causes of violence in schools in the city of N’djamena in Chad.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPsych affective factorsfr_FR
dc.subjectSchool environmentfr_FR
dc.titleL’analyse des facteurs psychoaffectifs dans le développement de la violence en milieu scolaire : le cas du lycée féminin d’Amriguébe dans la ville de Ndjamena au Tchadfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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