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dc.contributor.advisorNdjebakal Souck, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorNga Mendzana, Anastasie Carole-
dc.description.abstractThe research that we carry out is focused on the forecast that is made in terms of infrastructural planning under the prism of the inclusive education policy, in particular for students with physical disabilities in general secondary education schools in the district of Mfou and the district of Yaounde 1. The goal of this research is to set up an infrastructural planning sufficiently structured to be able to include students with specific needs in terms of school infrastructure because it is clear that in terms of infrastructural planning, there is a use of this process at the secondary education level. The main question that aroses our attention is whether the infrastructural planning of high schools and colleges takes into account the prescriptions related to the inclusive education of students in physical disability? To do this, we went through an exclusively quantitative method in six schools using a hypotheticodeductive approach and the result is clear; we can say that there is planning that exists but it is not sufficient to really talk about inclusive education in terms of school infrastructure. To achieve this ideal, it would be necessary to set up an action plan that brings together the entire educational chain to talk about inclusive infrastructure at the secondary education level.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPlanification infrastructurellefr_FR
dc.subjectInfrastructure scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectEducation inclusivefr_FR
dc.subjectHandicap physiquefr_FR
dc.subjectPlan d’actionfr_FR
dc.titlePlanification infrastructurelle en contexte d’éducation inclusive : cas des élèves en situation de handicap physique des arrondissements de Mfou et de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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