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dc.contributor.advisorNdjebakal Souck, Emmanuel-
dc.contributor.authorAmvene Ela, Marceline Tatiana-
dc.description.abstractThe present study entitled continuous assessment of primary school teachers under the PAREC project in the East Cameroon region, addresses the problem of dysfunction, irregularity and even inadequacy in the monitoring and assessment of primary school teachers. After defining the key concepts, reviewing some of the authors who have dealt with this issue, and presenting the PAREC project, the training pillar, the system, indicators and factors for monitoring and evaluating teachers, the study seeks in general terms to propose actions aimed at improving the monitoring and evaluation of teachers. On the basis of the general hypothesis that actions to improve teacher monitoring and evaluation exist, three specific hypotheses emerge: HR1: The malfunctioning of the teacher monitoring and evaluation system, HR2: Factors such as the unavailability of trained monitoring and evaluation staff, the remoteness of schools, and insufficient financial and material resources for monitoring and evaluation activities justify the malfunctioning of the teacher monitoring and evaluation system, HR3: There are possible courses of action, such as the availability of the resources needed for monitoring and evaluation activities, capacity-building for trainers, and the use of appropriate monitoring and evaluation tools likely to optimise the teacher monitoring and evaluation system. Analysis of these hypotheses led the study to adopt a mixed-method approach. Data was collected by means of semi-directed interviews and questionnaires submitted to the teachers. To present and, above all, analyse the results obtained, we opted for thematic analyses of content and statistical analysis using Excel software, simply by extracting the numbers and percentages. The results show that several factors, such as insufficient financial and material resources and the remoteness of the schools, are responsible for the poor functioning of the monitoring and evaluation system in place. However, there are avenues for action, such as the use of appropriate tools and the provision of the necessary resources for monitoring and evaluation activities, to improve the monitoring and evaluation system for teachers.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleSuivi et évaluation des enseignants du cycle primaire dans le cadre du projet PAREC dans la région de l’Est- Cameroun.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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