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dc.contributor.advisorBipoupout, Jean Calvin-
dc.contributor.authorTsayem Mbowou, Naëlle Vérane-
dc.description.abstractLinguistic and cultural diversity is an unavoidable phenomenon in the Secondary schools and colleges of some big cities of Cameroon. However, in order to succeed in the teaching-learning process of a specific Cameroonian mother tongue in these big cities, the teacher must make use of strategies that would involve all the learners without discrimination. The purpose of this work is to focus on the use of visual discovery during lessons related to traditional marriage among the Ekang community so as to enhance or develop learners' skills. These learners are from the classes of quatrième (4ème) and troisième (3ème) of the First Cycle of the francophone sub system of Education. Thus, the main research is driven by a hypothesis which stipulates that visual discovery impacts the development of learners’ skills. The overall objective is therefore to show that visual discovery has an impact on the development of learners' skills during the lessons related to traditional marriage among the Ekang community. In order to obtain our results, a mixed approach (both qualitative and quantitative) was adopted leading to the use of tools such as interview, questionnaire, observation and even a test, for data collection from teachers and learners in some secondary schools and colleges of the city of Yaoundé. It emerged from our analysis that, visual discovery has a positive and considerable impact on the development of learners’ skills. Also, the study unveiled that the use of images is not effective in classrooms. This research therefore proposes some guidelines for an effective implementation of visual discovery in the teaching of mother tongue in schools and colleges located in urban zones.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectVisual discoveryfr_FR
dc.subjectTraditional marriagefr_FR
dc.subjectLearners’ skills developmentfr_FR
dc.subjectEkang culturefr_FR
dc.subjectFrancophone sub-cycle of educationfr_FR
dc.titleDécouverte visuelle dans l’enseignement du mariage traditionnel chez les ekang et développement des compétences chez les apprenants du sous-cycle d’orientation à l’institut bilingue Tsimi Evounafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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