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dc.contributor.advisorAwondo Awondo, Patrick Simon-
dc.contributor.authorSiwom, Nadège-
dc.description.abstractOctober 11 marks the international day of the girl, a day dedicated to know the difficulties to which girls around the are exposed. During this celebration, the competent authorities including the Ministry Social Affairs and the Ministry of basic and Secondary Education often stress that there are still disparities between boys and girls in terms of access to information. This dissertation attempted to observe and understand the specific elements of vulnerability that leads to the girl dropping out of school in the urban context of Yaounde the Tsinga high school where young girls have a priori and according to the studies and reports that have been done, less chance of success than the boys because of their uniformity was chosen according to Thomas (2010). Vulnerability is synonym of fragility, precariousness, weakness. It qualifies states of fragility very often embodied in particular individuals Soulet, (2005, p.24). The objective of this study is to identify the opinion of the dropouts on the reasons for abandonment of studies; while highlighting the correlation between social vulnerability and early school leaving. Dropping out which means giving up a school career before the acquisition of a first diploma (diploma of secondary studies (DSS), vocational studies (DEP) or a qualification (semi-skilled trades training certificate or training certificate in preparation for the labour market)). An intertaining guide, composed of 15 elements on the reasons for school dropouts, was given to 30 respondents of a school board with a dropout rate of 2%. Respondents (25 girls and 5boys) have an average age of 13years. However, the results note that the students drop out of school because of their vulnerability to early and forced marriages, poverty, but also socio-cultural practices and religious and family settings. The results also show that teachers identify the main causes of dropping out of school as being outside of school: lack of motivation for schooling, family support insufficient personal problems.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectDécrochage scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectJeunes fillesfr_FR
dc.titleVulnérabilité sociale et décrochage scolaire féminin en zone urbaine : cas de la jeune fille du Lycée de Tsingafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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