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dc.contributor.advisorMaingari, Daouda-
dc.contributor.authorAda, Cécile Mireille-
dc.description.abstractThis work is entitled "Professionalization of teaching and professional integration of graduates. Study conducted among second cycle students of the geography department of the University of Yaoundé I". The professionalization of training courses has given rise to contradictory and polemical debates within classical faculties. Its implementation is, as a result, diversely appreciated (MINESUP, 2018). According to some authors, the professionalization of teaching and training is perceived as a new form of manufacturing scholarly knowledge (Abdourhaman, 2018); (Rose, 2008); or to emphasise the adequacy of training-employment (Ondoua, 2013) or the mismatch between the education system and economic needs through the redesign of curricula (Ondoua, 2013); or ultimately the successful transition from studies to the labour market (Boudarbat and Ndjaba, 2018). In order to evaluate this link, we asked ourselves a starting question: "How does the professionalization of teaching contribute to the professional integration of geography graduates? To answer this question, we put forward the general hypothesis that: "certain factors linked to the professionalization of geography courses contribute to the professional integration of graduates". This fieldwork led to the operationalisation of the general hypothesis, from which we obtained four secondary hypotheses. In order to test these hypotheses, a field study was conducted with 165 geography graduate students. The data collected by means of a questionnaire was analysed with SPSS software and tested with chi square. At the end of our analyses, it appears that certain factors of professionalization of teaching, in particular the current training offer in geography, work-study training, the identification of value-added sectors for geography graduates and the system of follow-up of graduates contribute significantly to the professional integration of geography graduates. In this context, the results and suggestions we have arrived at deserve to be questioned, particularly with regard to the operational aim of these results, which can be achieved in a less satisfactory economic context.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectProfessionnalisation des enseignementsfr_FR
dc.subjectInsertion professionnellefr_FR
dc.subjectLes métiers du géographefr_FR
dc.subjectSecteurs à valeurs ajoutéefr_FR
dc.titleProfessionnalisation des enseignements et insertion professionnelle des diplômés : étude menée auprès des étudiants de master, filière géographie de l’université de Yaoundé I.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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