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dc.contributor.advisorLeka Essomba, Armand-
dc.contributor.authorAbdelkarim, Ali-
dc.description.abstractWe conducted research work on the teaching of French and Arabic in high schools in the tenth district: contribution to a critical analysis of the promotion of bilingualism in Chadian society. This study answers the following research question: How does the promotion of French/Arabic bilingualism take place in the educational system in Chad? We start from the hypothesis that the promotion of French-Arab bilingualism in the Chadian education system takes place in several ways, on the one hand the inequality at the level of programs and textbooks, and on the other hand the history of Chadian society, which would like the education system to take into account the socio-anthropological realities of the Chadian people. The problem that is the subject of our study is the inadequacy of French and Arabic teaching policies in the Chadian education system. The objective is to understane the teaching of bilinguism in estabilishments and to promate bilinguism at the national level in chad. The method of approach is the field survey, the research adopted a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) with data collection, the questionnaire and the interview guide instruments. The questionnaire was administered to two hundred (200) students in schools in the tenth district of Ndjamena and twelve (12) interviews were conducted with four (4) national curriculum center officials, four (4) heads of schools, principals including censors and four (4) Arabic-speaking and French-speaking teachers. For this research we used social representation theory, and structuralist constructivism. In order to account for the issuer and challenges of promoting bilinguism in chad. were also used as the theoretical frameworks of this research. The results of this research are the product of our different research hypotheses. The first result shows an imbalance between the teaching of French and Arabic, the second result shows that there is marginalization of the Arabic language for the French language, the third shows the difficulties (pedagogical, material, didactic) of the practice of bilingualism in the establishments and the inequalities in the teaching hours between French and Arabic.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectEnseignement des langues françaisfr_FR
dc.subjectPromotion du bilinguismefr_FR
dc.titleEnseignement du français et de l’arabe dans les lycées du Xeme arrondissement de N’djamena : contribution a une analyse critique de la promotion du bilinguisme dans la société Tchadiennefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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