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dc.contributor.advisorNgufor Ambo Samba, Emelda-
dc.contributor.authorSouhaibou Dalil-
dc.description.abstractCameroon is making efforts in the quest for quality education. To achieve this objective, he proceeds to good planning in the use of disciplinary measures. As the offer in education has been increasing in recent years, we are witnessing a spread of schools to meet this demand from students in search of knowledge. Faced with this phenomenon, the State has taken measures aimed more at securing schools and strengthening disciplinary measures from several angles. Schools that are sacred places of education to make the teaching and learning process excel. Despite all these tireless efforts, young learners seem to deviate from the rule set by the bodies responsible for formulating educational policies through the Estates General of 1995 and the Orientation Law of 1998. Today we observe more and more deviant behaviour on the part of students in the school environment. The consumption of psychoactive substances is growing despite the fierce struggle of governments against this scourge. Based on this bitter observation and with a view to remedying this phenomenon, we have formulated our subject within the framework of our research, which relates to “disciplinary measures and the consumption of psychoactive substances in the school environment: an investigation carried out among general secondary schools in Yaoundé I”. This subject leads to the following main research question: What is the link between disciplinary measures and the consumption of psychoactive substances in schools? Thus, to answer this question, we have formulated the general research hypothesis stipulating that disciplinary measures correlated with the consumption of psychoactive substances in the school environment. In order to make this general research hypothesis concrete, measurable and observable, we retained four research hypotheses. Our study addressed to 162 pupils of the examination classes, 12 in charge of discipline. All these four hypotheses have had confirmed. In view of these results, our general hypothesis have been totally confirmed and leads us to conclude that there is a link between disciplinary measures and the consumption of psychoactive substances in the school environment. the State must within the framework of its educational policies, make effective the establishment of a process of continuous training in the management of disciplinary systems for heads of establishments and their staff in order to raise the effectiveness of the handling of students in schools and much more. It should not be limited to the institution and the reading of decrees prohibiting the consumption of narcotics.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectDispositifs disciplinairesfr_FR
dc.subjectRèglement intérieurfr_FR
dc.subjectConsommation des substances psychoactivesfr_FR
dc.subjectEnvironnement scolairefr_FR
dc.subjectSuivi parentalfr_FR
dc.titleDispositifs disciplinaires et consommation des substances psychoactives en milieu scolaire : une investigation menée auprès des lycées d’enseignement secondaire général de Yaoundé Ier.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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