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dc.contributor.advisorFonkoua, Pierre-
dc.contributor.authorLebiong Kapale, Annabelle-
dc.description.abstractTechnical education is the path par excellence of professionalization from the cradle. In Cameroon, this option is offered from secondary school. (Alexandra TCHUILEU; 2022). Technical education offers 2 main categories of education. These are commercial technical education and industrial technical education, each of which consists of several professional streams, thus offering an opportunity to enter the professional world for many Cameroonian secondary technical education graduates. Their integration into companies is an issue for many companies, because these young graduates offer employers an opportunity to have a workforce as soon as they leave the secondary technical cycle. Meanwhile in companies, the risks related to production are taken into account and involve a particular look at the QHSE department. The QHSE department’s mission is to support operational departments in anticipating and preventing bodily, environmental or material accidents. In order to produce graduates corresponding to this mission, technical education develops the skills of its learners through QHSE courses. The study brought to your attention aims to assess the impact of the quality of the QHSE skills benchmark on the professional integration of graduates of technical secondary education in industrial companies in Cameroon. Being unable to carry out the study in all the professional sectors in relation to graduates of secondary technical education, we took a professional sector that employs graduates of secondary technical education. This is the construction industry. We circumscribed our study in a locality that of Yaoundé. The first part of the theoretical framework, we defined our study by operationalizing the different variables to bring out the different indicators that allowed us to develop a solid research tool which was a questionnaire. In the methodological framework, we conducted our study with several civil engineering companies. This was made possible thanks to our research tool to verify the hypotheses put forward below according to which the quality of the QHSE skills reference system allows the professional integration of graduates from secondary technical education. The link between the quality of the QHSE competency framework and professional integration was verified during our work. There is a link between these 2 variables which is significantly strong. Although it is strong, this link is not perfect because of certain parameters such as the ignorance of certain procedures in quality, hygiene, safety and the environment. In a second part, this study allowed us to solve a problem. It is that of the verification of training in terms of QHSE because the optimization of the performance of an industrial company depends on the quality of its employees, especially on the aspect of safety in the company and the control of procedures. Many accidents as highlighted in Chapter 2 can occur due to ignorance of procedures and are capable of costing companies dearly. It is for this reason that it is necessary to check whether the quality of the QHSE skills framework allows the professional integration of graduates of technical secondary education.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectRéférentiel des compétencesfr_FR
dc.titleRéférentiel de formation du programme de qualité-hygiène- sécurité-environnement (QHSE) et insertion des diplômés de l’enseignement technique professionnel dans les entreprises : cas des BTP de la localité de Yaoundé.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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