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dc.contributor.advisorNgatcha, Alexis-
dc.contributor.advisorPepouna, Soulemanou-
dc.contributor.authorYango Ngoh Pangap, Brenda Aimee-
dc.description.abstractIn view of the crucial importance of communicative competence and the benefits it brings in our society, we have focused our attention on the difficulties encountered by learners of German as a foreign language in terms of pronunciation. Although these obstacles can be attributed to a variety of origins, the aim of this study is to examine a specific branch of linguistics, namely phonetics, in order to assess its influence on the development of oral production among Germanspeaking pupils in the third year of primary school. To this end, we conducted an experiment with a sample of 55 individuals divided into a control group and an experimental group. The experiment was carried out in three distinct phases: firstly, a pre-test was carried out to determine the initial level of the participants; this was followed by several teaching sessions based on different phonetic methods designed to encourage oral expression and verbal interaction between peers. This enabled us to quickly detect any errors or gaps in correct pronunciation and remedy them effectively. Finally came the post-test, the main objective of which was to measure whether or not this intensive learning had had a significant positive impact on the overall improvement in the learners' oral skills. Following a rigorous analysis of the results obtained during this experiment, it has to be said that the conclusions are rather encouraging and augur well for future improvements.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectPhonétique allemandefr_FR
dc.subjectCompétences oralesfr_FR
dc.titleEnseignement/apprentissage de la phonétique allemande et développement des compétences orales des apprenants en classe de 3e au Cameroun.fr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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