Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11633
Titre: Curriculum integration: an aspect of quality education in cameroon primary schools
Auteur(s): Agu Ajong, Gracious
Directeur(s): Ebanga Tanyi, Maureen
Mots-clés: Curriculum Integration, ,
Quality education
Learning by doing
Date de publication: 24-jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This study titled "Curriculum Integration: An aspect of quality Education in Cameroon Primary schools examines curriculum features of integrated curricular and its impacts on quality education. The problem comes up from varied concerns stating: there is poor quality education in Cameroon Primary Schools resulting from the education policy, Curriculum structure/content and implementation and inappropriate exploitation of Curriculum elements of integrated Curricular. Integration is viewed in the perspective of curriculum design, aims and objectives of the "new education." The main objective is to examine how Curriculum integration influences quality education in Cameroon Primary Schools. This means examining if there is a significant correlation between Curriculum integration and quality education in Cameroon public and private primary schools. The constructivists and progressivism theories together with Taba's instructional strategies model, the curriculum features for integrated curricula and how to integrate the curriculum directly championed all assertions related to this. The study employs the mixed research approach with closed/open ended questions and the Flanders interaction analysis category system of classroom observation. The probability sampling and the Pearson product moment correlation are applied however, a sample size of 110 participants is determined by Yamane's formula of finite population while the descriptive/inferential statistics (regression analysis) and multiple regression respectively are used in the analysis. From the results, a significant regression model [F (3.106) = 10.125, p = 0.022] with an R2 of 0.297 is found. The quality of education increases by 0.083 units for every increase in integrated themes learning, by 0.142 for every unit increase in Content relevance and finally by 0.211 increase caused by a unit increase project-based learning. This shows a statistically positive significant correlation between Curriculum integration and Quality education. Having retained all the specific alternative hypotheses, we get to the conclusion that Curriculum integration impacts quality education in Cameroon primary schools. Base on the findings obtained, the study makes major recommendations to Government, School administration and national/external stakeholders and calls upon an inevitable teachers’ inclusion in the curriculum development process.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 136
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11633
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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