Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11823
Titre: Vivre-ensemble dans la fiction de Gaston-Paul Effa : formes et enjeux
Auteur(s): Tchouamo Neossi, Gilbert
Directeur(s): M eyenga Onana, Pierre-Suzanne
Mots-clés: Vivre-ensemble
Date de publication: 2024
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé I
Résumé: This study is based on the theme: « Living together in Gaston-Paul Effa’s fiction: forms and stakes ». Indeed, human beings are living in a society of enmity dominated by identity crises, hateful practices and the considerable degradation of the nature. The significance of this study is to question the living together as put into words by Gaston-Paul Effa with the ultimate aim of showing its different forms as well as its stakes on the epistemological and ethical level. Starting from a corpus made up of nine literary works, the thesis revolves around the following research question: how is living together supported in the fiction of GPE? This research question can be broken down into the following sub-questions: what are the forms of living together presented in the work of Gaston-Paul Effa? How are there styled by the writer? What are the issues? Therefore, the study starts from the general research hypothesis according to which, living together is presented in the work from the game of antagonisms and the consideration of other living beings with which Man composes the society. To response to the above research problem in order to verify the above research hypothesis, the postcolonial theory constitutes the theoretical framework to which we add Eco poetics and sociocriticm. The postcolonial studies following the current of deconstruction, involving the cultural studies makes it possible to highlight the relationship between the former colonies and the metropolis as well as their impact in the new configuration of the oncoming World. Considering the fauna and the flora as other components of postcolony, ecopoetics helps to question literary productions in their relationship with the natural environment by imperatively integrating the formal marks which participate in it; and finally, the sociocriticm’s method helps, from the sociality, to consider the out text. This study make it possible to realize that living together still remains an illusion because some human actions are antipodal to tolerance, solidarity and fraternity. Furthermore, Effa’s fiction doesn’t deal with living together only on a classical level, but develops the relationships between all living species. Finally, the thesis renews the concept of living together by redefining is as the pooling of all living beings. On the ethical level, Effa has a vision based on the promotion of African culture which has a myriad of values to teach to the rest of the World, the mastery ,and practice of animism as a religion and lifestyle, the basis of the new living together.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 316
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11823
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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