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dc.contributor.advisorTanga Onana, Joseph-
dc.contributor.authorBabanyak, Alain Ulrich-
dc.description.abstractThis work titled « la liberalisation des filières agricoles au cameroon, le cas des secteurs banane, cacao et café, 1987 -2017 » aims to show the economic stakes of a liberalisation that was neither urgent nor necessary. In fact Cameroon was not spared from the economic crisis that shook almost every country in the world in the 1980’s. From 1985 onwards, the country suffered an economic haemorrhage. To stop it the leaders were obliged, with the support of the Bretton woods institution: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), to place the country under structural adjustment. In this way the country moved away from the logic of “administering everything” to one of “liberalising everything” this is the rationale behind the liberalisation of these sectors. But what are the stakes and effects of this liberalisation for our economy? Since independence the authorities have made agriculture the bed rock of the Cameroonian economy. Not a speech or project goes by without sole mention of agriculture. To put their intensions into practice, they do everything possible to make agriculture a very important profession. However, with the economic crisis knocking at the door, several factors have contributed to its liberalisation, which has not been properly supervised. This had had an impact on the production and marketing of these different sectors in Cameroon. With documentation consisting of books, dissertations, thesis, scientific articles, newspapers archives, periodicals and magazines. This work is based on an analytical and critical approach. It shows that the liberalisation imposed by donors was aimed at economic recovery and concerned the budget intensive sectors that were a burden on the country’s economy. However although the country was in crisis and the banana, cocoa and coffee sectors had experience many crisis, in 1987 these sectors, which accounted for a large proportion of the state’s coffers and contributed enormously to Cameroon’s economy presented a promising agricultural sector for the future and did not require any form of liberalisation.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectFilières agricolesfr_FR
dc.subjectSecteurs banane, cacao et café, 1987- 2017fr_FR
dc.subjectEnjeux économiquesfr_FR
dc.titleLibéralisation des filières agricoles au Cameroun : cas de la banane, du cacao et du café (1987-2017).fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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