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dc.contributor.advisorAmougou, Jean Bertrand-
dc.contributor.authorSanama, Frantz Olivier-
dc.description.abstractThe problem of the thing-in-itself is not only one of the most complex themes of Kant’s thought, but it raises the question of the very coherence of Kantianism. Indeed, how can the fundamental thesis of transcendental philosophy that the objectivity of experience rests on an a priori synthesis within our representations be reconciled with the position of a thing-in-itself as a principle of a real gift of phenomena? Does the critique of pure reason manage to overcome this antinomy of idealism and realism that seems to cross its subject? Even if the author himself does not give any clear definition of the concept, the passages where the term is used allow us to understand the in-itself as an idea, which serves as the foundation and cause of all phenomena. Its main character is therefore that it is distinct from the phenomenon. In this sense, if the phenomenon is a representation that exists in us, then the thing-in-itself exists independently of us. Moreover, as all knowledge is limited to phenomena, the thing-in-itself therefore remains unknowable. But then, with regard to methodological rigor, its own system of thought and ontic logics, the Kantian concept of the thing-in-itself remains very problematic. This leads us to present the shortcomings of the hypotheticodeductive method as an obstacle to grasping the in-itself. Also, we must admit that the problem of the single reason in Kant is to pose as the absolute model of rationality. In going beyond Kantianism, we establish the distinction between Kant’s transcendental philosophy and our conception of transcendence. This demarcation as we have said, finds its foundation in the understanding of the concepts of metaphysics of proximity and onto-cosmology. One being dependent on the other, it is a philosophy of transition coupled with humanism, an operation carried out in the spirit and by the spirit, and which anchors man towards the march of his history. . Even if the ideas that we defend come from a utopia, it is a positive utopia, as it promotes authenticity in the reform and the ascent of Africans towards the light that illuminates and directs the history of the great states of the world. Philosophy therefore always has something dialectical about it.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectConception kantienne de la chose-en-soifr_FR
dc.titleConcept de "Chose en soi" chez Emmanuel, Kant au délà de la critique ,l'humalité comme finalité cosmiquefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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