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dc.contributor.advisorBillè, Ebénézer-
dc.contributor.authorTalla Makougoum, Pamela-
dc.description.abstractWoman and the construction of female freedom in Arráncame la vida by Ángeles Masttreta and La Prohibida by Malika Mokeddem highlights issues related to existence of women in society, while at the same time presenting the protagonists who embody them. In this context, which is still marked by the patriarchy that pervaded, despite remarkable progress in the general status of women in recent decades, it seemed obvious to us to focus our attention once again on their quest for freedom in order to further improve their status in today’s society. In our various novels, there is a strong male dominance over women in many areas of life. This male dominance is experienced as an obstacle to the development of women in the given fields. The general aim of our study is to show the question of women’s liberation is posed in the contexts we address. In other words, we highlight the different mechanisms that women activate in order to achieve autonomy and freedom. In order to achieve this, we use Gynocriticism as our main theory which consecrates women as writers of their own feelings and architects of their own lives. As methods that make the analysis of the novel possible, we use semiotics and narratology. That said, these writers show us that abuses by men are at the root of women’s marginalisation in their respective societies, and that women‟s identity will continue to be shaped by the progressive transgression of those abuses that hinder their social well-being.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.titleMujer y afán de libertad femenina en arráncame la vida de ángeles mastretta y la prohibida de malika mokeddemfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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