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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorOndoa Ndo, Sylvie Marie Berthe-
dc.contributor.authorTar-Assem Béré, Alvérine-
dc.description.abstractThrough their imagination Angeline Solange Bonono and Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio express a form against practice. As description of social reality, they are moved by a feeling of suffocation contempt; discouragment and passionnaly seek a solution. The similarity of their texts questions the basis of migrant writing: its emergence, its specialty and its significant value. The migrant woman leaves her original space wanders from all space, goes beyond African barriers to open up to another world. Faced with this social evidence, novelists break the mold of culture, eliminate superfluous needs dictated by their cultural environment free themselves from social alienation to disturb consciences. Our study seeks to know what the images are presented by the migrant women. What meaning can we give to the writing of the migrant woman? From the sociocriticism of Claude Duchet and the comparative approach, we were able to see the relevance and the necessity of describing the migrant woman in the fictional prose while grasping that the image of the migrant woman expresses emancipation. This work entitled: the migrant woman in Marie –France l’orpeilleuse by Angeline Solange Bonono and Poisson d’or by Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio is for us the place to bring together all the values and question them for a world without discrimination. It is structured in three parts the first part which is entitled Mosaic of the migrant woman, the second the themes conveyed by the migrant character and the third at the end is titled for a meaning of the writing of the migrant womanfr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectMigrant womenfr_FR
dc.subjectReturning to their native countryfr_FR
dc.titleLa femme migrante dans marie-france l’orpailleuse d’angéline solange Bonono et poisson d’or de jean-marie gustave le cleziofr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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