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dc.contributor.advisorWanyaka Bonguen Oyongmen, Virginie-
dc.contributor.authorFoumane, Willy-
dc.description.abstractThe study which focus on “Gender as a factor in the feminization of republican institutions: the case of the Cameroon Defense Forces 1959-2015”, is a line with the logic of the entrenchment of gender in the Defense Force in Cameroon. The conservatism theory as is viewed as the spearhead of several reforms implemented amongst the military institution, the Army is committed to remain unique with the integration of few values commonly known as civilians one. The gender conception thereby become the main way in for the Cameroonian armed forces to establish the real professional skills including the practice and the due respect of democracy. Therefore, how far gender is contributing to democratize the defense forces throughout their various role? Otherwise, what is the position of female into the army regarding the influence of the male? In that way, many sources and the whole inductive , deductive and the hypothetical approach find out that the youthfulness of female and the Cameroonian defense forces betray the implementation efforts aimed to really institutionalize, which consequently involve the heed of the female gender according to some possible means and possibilities. This is what explain the incomprehension about the process of gradation, leading to the need of the concrete systematization of the female gender. Whiting the emergence framework, Cameroon should endeavor to better take into consideration the female gender category into the army cause its represent the national unity crucible. It should be stated that the real professionalization had made the modern armies to be one of the actors of the entire development so that the increase of more values in terms of male and female skills shall surely allow a bright development of Cameroon.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.titleGenre ,élément de féminisation des institutions républicaines : cas des forces de défense camerounaises, 1959-2015fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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