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dc.contributor.advisorKoufan Menkené, Jean-
dc.contributor.authorBebey Ananga, Guy Emmanuel-
dc.description.abstractThe political order can be understood as the orientation, the management of public affairs by the authorities who govern or who get power. It prescribes the conduct of persons in a colony, country or state. Cameroon experienced a triple colonization before its independence. Thus, three political orders were established there and depended on the aspirations of the power that set up in the territory. This political order can however be called into question, since, when a people is dominated or subjugated, it seeks any means to free itself. However, the means used to free oneself, can have an echo and threaten the social balance. Cameroon has not escaped this reality. Threats of destabilization of the political order have marked its history since 1884 and continue even to the present day. Whether during the colonial period or the post-colonial period, Cameroon had no respite. There is always a contradiction which leads to renewed violence; the wheel turns and nothing comes to break this vicious circle. We must unravel this mystery and understand why the occurrence and recurrence of these threats. This thesis aims to identify these threats and highlight their impacts on the political order in Cameroon. So it turns out that an arbitrary administration, which advocates injustice, oppresses and frustrates the people, is exposed to uprisings. If Cameroon continues to experience this phenomenon, it is quite simply because there was no rupture between the colony and the post colony. The settlers have taught how to bully the people, and the rulers are slow to come out of this reality. The same causes producing the same effects, violence continues in Cameroon at the discretion of governance by sponsorship. If at the beginning of its international existence, it was a question of struggle against the vices and the bullying of the colonial administration, today, it is more a question of a relentless fight against the bad governance, creator of injustices of all kinds.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectOrdre politiquefr_FR
dc.titleLes menaces de déstabilisation de l'ordre politique au Cameroun, de la période coloniale à 2008fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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