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dc.contributor.advisorDjouda Feudjio, Yves Bertrand-
dc.contributor.authorHadjaratou, Diddi-
dc.description.abstractTo question about Obstetric Fistula (OF) in Cameroonian society is to adopt a sociological approach directed toward question of health, reproduction and development. This study, on the " the social representations of women victims of obstetric fistula in the Far North region / Cameroon: the case of Maroua city " is based on the observation that despite the establishment of an organization responsible of global support female victims of in Maroua, most of them are rejected by the community. It is on this basis that the problem of social representations of women victims OF in the city of Maroua arises. A main question is elaborated as follows what are the social representations built around OF in the city of Maroua? The main states that OF is considered as a disease of shame in city of Maroua. The main objective of this work is to analyze and explain how OF which is considered of disease of shame, hinders the development of women victims in the city of Maroua. To make this research intelligible, we used the theory of social representations and the theory of self-esteem as explanatory paradigms. These theories have enabled us to grasp the different perceptions and representations that contribute to social exclusion and the marginalization of patients in the Maroua area. Based on a qualitative method, this sociological study was carried out through the use of field data adapted from semi-structured interview. The use of interview allowed us to achieve the results according to the people concerned, the competent people of the OF are rejected most of the time by their entourage, that is to say, their spouses, family and society. Likewise, the gaze of society and the shame of illness explain the different forms of exclusion analyzed in this work.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectSocial representationsfr_FR
dc.subjectObstetric fistulafr_FR
dc.subjectSocial exclusionfr_FR
dc.titleReprésentations sociales des femmes victimes de la fistule obstétricale dans la région de l’extrême- nord / Cameroun : le cas de la ville de marouafr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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