Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11925
Titre: Réinsertion et récidive délinquante des mineurs en phase intra et post carcérale. Le cas de la prison centrale de Yaoundé
Auteur(s): Dop-Tchoupo, Fernande
Directeur(s): Njengoue Ngamaleu, Henri Rodrigue
Mots-clés: Juveniles
Delinquent recidivism
Risk-need-receptivity model
Yaoundé central prison
Date de publication: 10-sep-2019
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: This study is entitled: "Reinsertion and delinquent recidivism of minors in intra and post-prison phase, case of Yaoundé central prison". The main objective of this study is to analyze how the reinsertion process of the delinquent minor influences the offender recidivism considering a certain number of elements and themes that constitute this process. The theoretical bases supporting this work are provided by the models R-B-R and good lives. The first defines treatment levels, the risk of recidivism as well as the ability of professionals to respond to recidivist behaviors. The second assumes that young people's recidivism behavior is aimed at satisfying needs. In a reintegration process, therefore, necessary conditions must be provided to fulfill the life, thus reducing the risk of recidivism. This qualitative research is based on 43 semi-structured interviews conducted with two groups of participants. The first group is made up of 10 resource persons working in our environment and the second of 33 juvenile offenders. These interviews explore the way in which the latter experienced the release from the first prison: the environment, the effectiveness or the lack of means allowing them to reintegrate, the presence or the absence of their community. Membership, as well as how to contribute to recidivism. Respondents were met in Yaoundé Central Prison or in a foster home; “l’arche de Noé” The analysis of the results obtained shows that recidivism among juvenile delinquents can be explained by failures at various levels of the reintegration process. At the level of institutional mechanisms, the activities implemented are not adapted to the needs of minors. In the community context, the feelings of insecurity and rejection of young people do not help in this procedure in addition to the lack of material and financial assistance. In addition to the preceding, the involvement of the minor is also important. Although unable to heal himself or herself, the fact remains that following the prescribed rules depends on the concerned. As such, a thought reinsertion and revalorization therefore seems to be a solution to this phenomenon of delinquent recidivism. The discussion of the results of this work makes it possible to define that the social and community links as well as the adequate institutional regulations form the base of a successful and rewarding reintegration. It is therefore in a perspective of revalorization, that in the light of our theoretical framework and data collected in the field suggestions were made and suggestions for new research proposed.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 148
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11925
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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