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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorLambi Ngolui, John-
dc.contributor.advisorAyina Bouni-
dc.contributor.authorHaback, Victorine Emmanuelle Murielle-
dc.description.abstractThe present work aims at proposing a tutorial and the recovery material in order to facilitate the construction of the concept of electrolysis in the third grade. In order to achieve this, the experimental approach was initiated by experimentation through the recycled material on the one hand and by interactive simulation through the tutorial on the other. For this purpose, 251 students who had not yet been taught about water electrolysis were given a pre-test. The aim of this test was to assess the level of acquisition of the concepts necessary for learning the concept of electrolysis. As a result of this pre-test, 200 students, 180 from high schools with low scores and 20 from colleges who took part in the pre-test were selected for the experiment. This number was divided as follows: 70 learners for the control group, 60 for the experimental group with courseware and 70 for the experimental group with recovery material. Each of these groups was given a teaching-learning session, after which they were subjected to a post-test. The data collected from this post-test was analysed and subjected to the student's t test and further, an observation of the quality of the learners' general responses was made, all with a view to confirming or refuting the research hypotheses. The results obtained from the analysis of the data collected following the post-test show that after the experimentation with the interactive courseware and the experimentation with the retrieval material, respectively, 64% and 85% of each of these groups of participants were able to construct the concept of electrolysis. Unfortunately, only 36% of correct answers were recorded by the control group (group that took part in the classical teaching). From these results, it appears that experimentation with the interactive tutorial and experimentation with the retrieval material facilitated the construction of the concept of electrolysis. This suggests the use and implementation of each of these tools in a chemistry teaching-learning context.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé 1fr_FR
dc.subjectSalvage materialfr_FR
dc.subjectInteractive courseware.fr_FR
dc.titleLes aides didactiques dans la construction du concept d’électrolyse en classe de troisièmefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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