Veuillez utiliser cette adresse pour citer ce document : https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11943
Titre: Méthodes d’apprentissage et capacitation cognitive chez l’autisme
Auteur(s): Djoumessi, Yannick Stephane
Directeur(s): Ambang, Zachée
Mots-clés: Capacitation
Date de publication: 19-jui-2023
Editeur: Université de Yaoundé 1
Résumé: Learning in a situation of school inclusion for autistic children supposes enrolling them in educational practices capable of encouraging in them, among other things, the development of cognitive capacities (social and communicative skills). We know that each educator fits into these methods differently and makes use of some more than others. But very few studies have sought to identify the learning methods favored by educators, those which meet their specific needs and which therefore have a real impact on the process of developing their social and communicative skills. We have found in our internship and field practice that, during the activities submitted by these subjects, they interact with the activities presented to them. Apart from their autistic activity, they can indulge in activities with others and at school they sometimes have much improved learning performance in an activity situation than in a formal class situation. Just as the moments of collective learning significantly reduced his stereotyped and repetitive behaviors which are exacerbated by the moments of loneliness. Hence our research hypothesis which states that “the learning method has an impact on cognitive capacitation in autism”. Delle derives two research hypotheses: HR1: “the syllabic method has an impact on cognitive capacitation in autism”, HR2 “the phonetic method has an impact on cognitive capacitation in autism”. We conducted our research with ten learners with ASDs from CESAM-CRERA and PROMHANDICAM. We observed their actions in relation to our research concerns. We also conducted interviews with parents. The data collected were presented in chapter 5. The results are interpreted in chapter 6. From these results, it emerges that the syllabic method (intermediate linguistic unit between the phoneme and the words) and the phonetic method (for articulation and reading in using gestures) consist in detecting the dyslexia of the learner and apprehending at the level of reading. This highlights the impact of the methods in improving the language capacity of autistic school children. From where it appears our hypothesis is verified and that the method improves the cognitive abilities at the language level of these autistic children. Thus, we can believe that: The exacerbated formalism of the school can constitute an obstacle to the development of the schooled autistic child and his acquisition of academic and social skills. The learning method allows subjects to detect their language and finally to communicate better in society. The integration of the methods into the normal classroom process can lead to a significant modification of the performance of autistic children in school and the fixation of learned skills.
Pagination / Nombre de pages: 141p.
URI/URL: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12177/11943
Collection(s) :Mémoires soutenus

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