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dc.contributor.advisorBikoï, Félix Nicodème-
dc.contributor.authorNsoga Mbom, Jean-Jacques-
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is a 'mid-term' evaluation of two decades of public policy implemented in priority education zones (ZEP) (2000-2020). It is justified by a context marked by the existence of an immense educational disparity between certain regions of Cameroon and others. It raises the problem of the effectiveness of the Priority Education Policy (PEP) implemented in ZEP and questions the assessment of two decades of PEP in ZEP. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the results of the PEP in ZEPs. From a methodological point of view, this study is of a mixed type. The sample was drawn at random from a total of 3,000 respondents, using over a hundred archival documents, more than a dozen interviews and hours of observation. Four data collection instruments were used in this study: documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews, observation and questionnaires. The analysis tools varied between QDA miner, Excel, Data SP and the Tanahashi method. The results of this study confirm the 3/4 of our hypotheses, in particular by confirming the ineffectiveness of educational projects and provision, while invalidating the hypothesis relating to the quality of education. Discussion of the results, however, enables us to demonstrate the indispensability of educational projects, while exposing the inappropriateness of educational provision to any managerial rationality. Finally, the main conclusions of our research suggest three major strategies for a PEP that is more appropriate and adapted to ZEPs: the need to reorient PEP, the adoption of substantial resources for PEP and, finally, discriminatory decision-making. In short, the major interest of such a study is to identify the flaws in PEP which are not conducive to the construction of an effective education system and which are even more likely to constitute limitations which must be rapidly exposed and, above all, curbed.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectPriority education policyfr_FR
dc.subjectPriority education zonefr_FR
dc.subjectEvaluation in itinerefr_FR
dc.subjectPublic policyfr_FR
dc.subjectEvaluation of a public policy.fr_FR
dc.titleÉvaluation in itinere de deux décennies de politique publique éducative en zones d’éducation prioritairefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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