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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.advisorLieugomg, Médard-
dc.contributor.advisorDjeumeni Tchamabe, Marcelline-
dc.contributor.authorBiloa Tuna, Marie-
dc.description.abstractThis study questions the contribution of teaching processes in developing learners’ skills as part of an environment geography. Specifically, it deals with looking at the contribution of practical processes in protecting the environment by secondary learners. Indeed, the scarcity of use of teaching processes in environment geography causes to find that there is a real gap between methods prescribed in curricula and concrete reality in classrooms. It is within this framework that we formulated a structural hypothesis of this work, which states that the application of teaching processes contributes to the development of geography skills in secondary learners. From 10 teachers and 711 students from troisième, we drew a sample of 10 teachers to the accidental-type-non-probabilistic sampling technique and 711 learners to the grape-type-probabilistic sampling technique. This sample allowed to collect data from initial and post session interviews using interview guide. Then, didactic observation of environment geography sessions centered on didactic experiment to examine the development of learners’ skills. Analysis of data collected made by content analysis for qualitative data and by inferential statistics (Student and Wilcoxon test) for quantitative ones presents a gap between initial interview and post interview in both learners and teachers. Indeed, the results obtained led us to the conclusion that applying teaching processes contributes to the development of learners’ skills as part of an environment geography.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité de Yaoundé Ifr_FR
dc.subjectTeaching processesfr_FR
dc.subjectSkill in geographyfr_FR
dc.subjectEnvironment educationfr_FR
dc.subjectSustainable developmentfr_FR
dc.titleProcédés d’enseignement en géographie de l’environnement et développement des compétences des apprenants des classes de troisième dans le cadre d’une éducation à l’environnement et au développement durablefr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèses soutenues

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